Home Loans

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Buying your first home

If you want to buy your first home, this is where you start the journey. Our guides have everything you need to take you from building your deposit, getting through the pre-approvals process and house hunting, to finally holding those keys on settlement day.

Moving home or switching banks

When moving house, consider the timings between buying and selling, the types of contingencies you can include and how bridging finance may help. If you’re looking to switch banks and refinance your home loan instead, learn how lifestyle changes may impact your borrowing and discover what makes you attractive to a lender.

Buying an investment property

When you buy an investment property, you’ll have new questions. Are you better to buy or build? What’s the ideal ownership structure, how long do you intend to hold your investment, and what are the tax implications of an investment property?

Helping the kids buy a home

More buyers need family support to get them into a first home than ever before. Find out the various ways you can help your kids take this next step, and keep your finances protected at the same time.

Buying from overseas or moving to NZ

Can Kiwis buy a home in New Zealand if they live overseas? Can you buy one if you live here, but you’re not a New Zealand citizen? Let’s dig into what you need to know about buying if you’re living overseas or you don’t have a New Zealand passport.