Compare Home Loan Interest Rates

Floating, 6 Months, 12 Months, 18 Months, 24 Months, 36 Months, 48 Months, 60 Months
Select Options
Standard, Good Energy (Max $80k), Special, Blueprint to Build, Flexi, Better Homes (Max $80k), Orbit, Green Home Loan, Total Money Offset, Classic Rate, Rapid Repay, Offset Home Loan, Revolving Home Loan, Choices, Choices Floating with Offset, Choices Everyday Floating, Long Term (Land) - Rates from, Long Term (Housing) - Rates from, Short Term (12-24 months) - Rates from, Prime (LVR 80%), Near Prime (LVR 80%), Specialist (LVR 80%), Specialist Plus (LVR 80%), Non-standard, First Home Buyer Special, Revolving Credit, Owner Occupied, Residential - From, Commercial | Rural - From, Reverse Mortgage, Easy, Advantage, Essential, Standard (LVR 80.01% to 90%), Standard (LVR < 80%), First Home Combo, FHB Construction, Unwind Reverse Equity
6 Months
1 Year
18 Months
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years

Rates updated about 14 hours ago

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made by Tella (New Zealand) Limited to keep the information in the rates tables as accurate, the above is for reference only, neither Tella (New Zealand) Limited or its employees accept any liability for inaccuracies or losses suffered as a result. Tella (New Zealand) Limited recommends you directly contact the provider to reconfirm.

Construction Loans: Back my Build, Blueprint to Build and other specialist products noted have specific lending criteria for owner occupied, new build loans. Terms and exclusions apply with each Lender. Some products may be discontinued for new approvals.

Low Deposit Option: These rates include a Low Equity Premium where appropriate, ranging upwards from 0.25%. Margin is based on LVR. Please refer to Low Deposit Loan guide for further information.